Reconstructive Facelifting Massage

Reconstructive Facelifting Massage with out Buccal

60min- $225

The Reconstructive Facelift Massage is a one-of-a-kind non-invasive procedure improves the appearance of sagging jawlines, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, forehead wrinkles, lack of definition, bags under the eyes, puffiness, and swelling of the face. This treatment will help firm and lift the skin. The 60min does not include Buccal Massage.



Reconstructive Facelifting Massage with Buccal

75min- $275

The addition of the magic of Buccal massage performed by an experienced professional will bring you relief if you suffer from TMD related symptoms, tightness and imbalance in the TMJ muscles, jaw pain, facial pain, and difficulty opening or closing the mouth. Recommended by dentists, the buccal massage helps to unravel the ropey muscle fibers and bring relief, to keep the jaw muscles smooth and supple. The Buccal massage is performed from the inside of the mouth while wearing protective gloves.